This is a re-post but one I still feel the same about the Easter holiday. I've made a few changes and adds.
My grandfather was a minister and a quite prominent one at that. If you google his name—Cleveland Kleihauer—you’ll see that he is credited with (cough) being a mentor to Ronald Reagan.
So at our house, Easter meant several things. Both my sister and I expected, and awaited, the arrival of the Easter Bunny and the cellophane wrapped baskets that would be sitting at the ends of our matching twin beds when we awoke on Easter Sunday. Somehow, though, this was nothing like the thrill of Christmas morning.
No explanations as to the entire oddity of Jesus dying, bunnies, crucifixion, chocolate and Jesus returning were ever mentioned. But, in return for the Easter Bunny gifts, we were put into the scratchiest, stiff, pastel colored dresses that we’d ever worn. And, almost worse, were the little hats we had to wear.
At Hollywood Beverly Christian Church we were THE GRANDCHILDREN. Our church didn’t DO Lent, Ash Wednesday or Shrove Tuesday. Just Sunday. Our communion beverage was Welch's grape juice. Women would pinch our cheeks, comment on our dresses and suck up to our mother. My sister and I stood stiffly in white socks and, sometimes white gloves, and smiled. Once home, we were free to explore the chocolate—after my father did the family photographs in the back yard where I could still see the stains from the Fourth of July worms on the bricks.
My mother would switch out of her “church clothes” and begin dinner. Our father would hang up his tie. My sister and I would eat candy free from the crinoline.
I’m sure this must not have been a good day for my mother. Having worked all week, bought the Easter baskets and dresses and hats, she still had to produce the "Easter dinner." I wish I could give her a hug of thanks. But it's too late.
I’ve never liked Easter, in spite of the candy. But, I’d rather eat potato chips anyway.
There was something about this entry that reminded me of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. It made me smile :)