Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Flip Floppin' the Facts

Flip Floppin’ the Facts

In 2012 I wrote a post titled BEFORE.  In it I talked about the many changes since the time I grew up in Silver Lake.  Facts have been flip flopped a lot since then and here are a few to make you ponder the advice of “experts.”

Remember when having a tan and being in the sun was considered “healthy?”

Butter was banned at our house in favor of margarine  which was touted as being much better for a heart healthy diet and low cholesteral.  But made out of plastic. It's butter for me now.

Drinking coffee is bad.  Now it helps liver health and fends off Alzheimer’s disease.

Red wine good, red wine bad. Red wine good, red wine bad.

That weird kid was a weird kid.  Now he has an alphabet soup disease that benefits the drug companies.

Nuts are too fattening to eat.  Now they are healthy again. In moderation. And don’t open a packet on a plane.

Swimming is an excellent sport. Swimming causes appetite increase more than other sports….so don’t bother if you want to lose weight.

Women MUST take calcium pills.  Calcium supplements cause kidney stones. And can choke you.

Hey, menopausal women…pop a few estrogen pills and replace your hormones.  Hormone replacement can cause cancer.  But that may have flip flopped back. But I’m not buying it.

Botulism is a deadly thing to be avoided at all costs.  Now it costs to get Botox.
Just get old with grace.

And today….multi-vitamins  are not worth their salt.  Okay.  I’ll wait a few years for the flip flop.

And to the men…"low T" is now a new problem.  I guess when my parents were alive it was called “getting old.”   It meant that you loved your wife and family and didn’t have to show it with an erection.  But my dad did in all ways.